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Don Jr. Addresses Accusations of Acting Strangely at RNC Speech in the Most Don Jr. Way Possible

As we reported last night, Don Jr. didn’t look right. He had red and puffy eyes like he had been crying for an hour just before going up on stage. If this were the first time this occurred, it would be a non-issue because perhaps someone did shed a tear, nothing wrong with it. But Junior appeared this way nearly every time we have seen him speak recently. Such a pattern argues strongly against an innocent explanation such as tears.

Moreover, Junior appeared sweaty, somewhat out of breath, disorganized, and highly energized throughout, which also fits a pattern we have seen over and over. We cannot know the underlying cause with certainty and we don’t pretend to know. But we can report on the Twitter speculation, that cocaine was trending, and that many prominent and respected Americans concluded the same.

The message occurred often enough concerning both Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle (whose speech included shrieking and rage) that the news even got to Don Jr. It must bother Junior because he saw fit to address it today. Rather than issue a simple denial and express that it hurt to hear, Junior took the accusation that hurt him enough to address it and leveled it on someone else because that’s how Trump’s handle adversary. Get hurt by accusations? Immediately put that hurt on someone else. Junior said people must have him confused with Hunter Biden.

This is just gross. We do know that Hunter Biden has had his struggles with drugs in the past, and has been quite open about his attempt to defeat it. We also know that there have been no recent accusations against Hunter.

One of the unwritten rules in this country is that we support the people that admit their disease and seek rehabilitation. It is not something we mock when a person admits he or she struggles. We wish them well. But Junior doesn’t belong to that part of America, he’s a Trump. He does this despite the fact that he’s acted very suspiciously lately and very defensively.  No one is surprised.

But that doesn’t mean people aren’t furious.

Then, to make it worse, Don Jr. outright lied about Hunter Biden. There is no conceivable way that any of the Bidens took money from China:

You get the idea. Plenty of MAGAs supported Junior’s tweets as totally appropriate even though Hunter admitted his issues versus the guy who appeared in public last night in what looked like active use.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom