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GOP House Members are Furious After Trump the Mob Boss Shook Down Members for Donations

Every once in awhile major media will bury the lede in their stories. We saw this last week when a New York Times story on South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem included a reference to the fact that Trump’s White House had called South Dakota to ask about the process to add a president to Mount Rushmore (as just one example). A similar mistake occurred in this morning’s Washington Post. The Post has an investigative report looking at Kevin McCarthy’s unpopularity among GOP House members. The House GOP is talking about life after Trump and grumbling, believing that Kevin McCarthy is too much of a Trump apologist who has failed to keep any distance between the conference and Trump. Tucked into the story is an odd detail that nearly screams out at the reader.

Trump shook down the entire GOP conference, demanding donations to his campaign. Moreover, apparently it was one of those “requests” that was impossible to turn down if one understands the way organized crime works. We know they had no choice because the House members are mad at McCarthy for not “protecting them” from the “request.” What does that tell us? It tells us it wasn’t even slightly voluntary or normal. From the Washington Post [1]:

Others are also furious that he didn’t shield them from a recent Trump campaign demand that House members donate to the president’s reelection effort.


It sounds like they have PTSD. It sounds like they needed a grown-up around to help them with the “demand” – do note the language used by the Post, it wasn’t a request. We wonder if they were all required to donate the maximum amount. Not all of them are wealthy and they are all running their own races, too. Not that we feel sorry for them, but it is interesting that the crime spree’s victims include co-conspirators.

Yes, but it is sick and symbolic of what we’re all going through. Is it not delicious and quaint that Trump started out by telling the rubes that he was so rich that he’d fund his own campaign and not be beholden to special interests? How rich, the candidate that would save them from influence has only one value, getting wealthy off being president.

Yeah, We figured it out long ago. One wonders why it never occurred to these people that they’d be a victim soon enough.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom