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Internet is Roaring Over Trump’s Slurry and ‘Out of It’ Presser, ‘Worse Than Usual’

There is a lot of talk among the “influencers” on the net and Twitter about Donald Trump looking highly out of it during his press conference this afternoon.

We already reported on the fact that Trump took the microphone sounding sedated, gripping the podium tightly, and immediately slurred his way through the initial portion of the press conferencing, during which he read from his own notes, struggling to say “anarrrkshtists” twice.

But when Trump set aside his notes for questions he lost whatever tenuous grip he might have had on reality and he started to really slur his way through answers. CNN’s Kaitlin Collins picked up on Trump mashing one answer with the notes in another topic:

It was very noticeable. For Collins to be tweeting her observations and speculating about how Trump answered the question highlights just how “out of it” Trump appeared. Reporters like Collins rarely mention the “slips” that occur during these press conferences. Ironically, the media often covers for Trump when it comes to embarrassing elements.

Trump didn’t just stumble over words, “Executive order,” “frrracking,” he couldn’t even handle Kamala Harris’s name:

Here’s Trump talking about those scary ANAKISTS!

Moreover, Trump couldn’t quite figure whether he expected Biden to pick Harris or whether he was surprised. At one point Trump said Harris was the top pick all along, only to contradict himself just a minute later saying he was very surprised that Biden picked Harris. It was a head-snapping moment.

Trump could have used the opportunity to say something respectful about Senator Harris, which would have thrown the nation, but instead he accused Harris of being “nasty” to Justice Kavanaugh in her questioning at his hearings. It was the weakest line of attack, befitting his weak demeanor.

It was much worse than usual.

Trump did not exert himself, either. He only took 3-4 questions and almost all of them were from “relatively friendly” media and then he dodged out almost mid-question, sparking all kinds of speculation.

Trump tried to attack, and yet just couldn’t get the words out. He looked disinterested, sedated, and almost sad.

The consensus is that Trump hasn’t absorbed all of this yet. He looks scared.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom