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Jim Bakker Warns of ‘Revolution’ if Trump is Not Reelected in November, ‘I’m Scared for America!’

End Times televangelist Jim Bakker is a major supporter of President Donald Trump and on his show Monday, he offered a stern warning: If Trump doesn’t win in November, “we’re gonna have a revolution” and right-wing Christians will hit the streets.

“I’m scared for America. I really am,” he said. “I want to warn America … we’ve got a few more days to stand up. It’s going to be too late after the election, I believe. I think if we elect the wrong people — and you see how wrong it’s been — we’re gonna have a revolution.”

Then he claimed people will have to fight the baby-killers. This is a lament frequently used by evangelicals to panic their base, many of whom are apparently gullible enough to believe such nonsense.

“The church people are going to march in the street and realize they’ve gone too far, and we can’t let the murder of babies lead the way,” he added. “We can’t let people burn America. We can’t let the rebellion take over. This is not going to be a nice place to live.”

Welp, depending upon who you are, America is already not a “nice place to live” and hasn’t been for a while. If you’re in the one percent, things are fine and dandy but if you’re in the middle class, you’re already feeling the squeeze. And if you’re poor you’re not living in a good place. Especially if you’re a person of color and poor. The threat of repression is around every corner and you already understand that police are to be feared.

But Bakker can say these things without fear of repression, even after getting himself in hot water for selling a worthless, snake oil cure for coronavirus. He found himself in trouble [1] with the attorneys general in New York and Missouri earlier this year, for doing just that. The FDA and FTC didn’t look kindly on him either.

Here’s Right Wing Watch’s [2] take on Bakker’s nonsense in the video below.