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Robin Williams’ Daughter Slams Eric Trump for Using Video of Her Late Father to Poke Fun at Joe Biden

Eric Trump.

If one is able to stand apart in the Trump family as “the dumb one,” that is really a stark statement. Yet Eric charges ahead, sure that he really does belong on the national stage and has something to contribute to our national discussion. Eric is on Twitter almost as much as Don Jr. and tweets even more inane and self-defeating stuff than even “DJ” can put out. But Eric found a new “high” in going low today and – as per usual – Eric’s tweet has already brought on a lot of self-inflicted damage.

Eric tweeted out a 2009 clip in which Robin Williams mocked Joe Biden as Obama’s vice president. It is typical Robin Williams, very funny. Williams joked about Biden continually “rambling on,” famously gaffe-prone in the way he speaks. Perhaps Williams didn’t know that Biden has been treated for a stutter, perhaps he did. It was funny. But “rambling on” is all Robin could come up with as comic material from Biden.

“Savage” is a word that must be going around the Trump camp lately, since we heard it used in one of Don Junior’s tweets yesterday.

Regardless. Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda didn’t appreciate the message being put into her late beloved father’s mouth and promptly set about correcting the record. Robin Williams had a lot to say about Donald Trump and Robin went far beyond mocking Trump’s silly personal traits. Robin called Trump out as a sexual predator, one on the hunt for young girls. From Huffington Post’s Twitter feed:

Letting Trump run a modeling agency is like letting Michael Vick run a pet store? “Catch and kill?” Savage, but also a touch sad, just like Trump.

It just goes to show that Robin Williams could make us laugh about anything – including Joe Biden – but Robin also knew who is and who isn’t dangerous. Zelda just reminded us that her father was so very brilliant and still has a lot to teach us, including which of the two is dangerous as president.

And Eric just got another lesson in how it is that he stands apart in that family as “the dumb one.”


Peace, y’all
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