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Sedated Sounding Trump Wastes No Time…Calls Kamala Harris ‘Nasty’ and Mispronounces Her Name

In the glow of the historic announcement out of the Biden campaign, Trump took to the podium for yet another “presidential press conference,” which are nothing of the sort. Trump read through a bunch of numbers, facts, and figures, that he believes make him look good politically. It is nothing more than a very drawn out and boring campaign statement.

Today Trump talked about what he calls domestic terrorists and anarchists – a word that he slurred through twice, attempting to convince poor Fox viewers that the nation is on fire and only Trump will stand up for law enforcement. Trump said that Democrats want every city to look like Portland.

Trump referred to himself in the third person a few more times saying that the pharmaceutical industry is attacking “your president” because he is fighting so hard to lower prices.

The press conference format wouldn’t be a good one for Trump even if Trump could read, but he struggles to read in the best of times, watching Trump stand at a podium and read his notes is not only difficult but it makes one feels used and dirty. It is like he’s imposing himself upon everyone but he can’t be bothered to care that the viewer is in the room.

Trump assured everyone that college football should start, a lot of young great people are able to “fight it off,” and eventually people will develop sufficient immunity, and they should “stand for the flag.” Trump meandered through some of the most compelling issues in the United States, each of which deserves serious attention, but Trump can’t be bothered to engage anything beyond the most superficial analysis. He mentions each while reading under his breath.

Trump took questions and tripped over “an executive AOFFER” and then restated it, an “executive order.” Trump truly appeared out of it.

Asked about Kamala Harris, Trump continued to slur his speech badly – as soon as he got away from his notes Trump’s slurred speech became increasingly noticeable.

“Subdued” is a very charitable word. Trump appeared very much out of it.

He attacked Kamala Harris as being the “nastiest” of the U.S. senators to Justice Kavanaugh, and then said that she was the most liberal Democratic senator – which would shock Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, and Sherrod Brown.

And of course Trump couldn’t pronounce her name correctly. He doesn’t care enough to learn:

But the story coming out of this press conference was the slurred speech. Trump also wrapped up the press conference very suddenly after his rambling answer on Harris being “nasty” to Justice Kavanaugh.

It was one of the weakest, most “sedated” and slurred press conferences of Trump’s tenure and something seems very “off” about Trump.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom