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Trump Attacks Jim Acosta and CNN Over Report That Trump is Clueless About Severity of Pandemic

It is starting to get really scary.

There are people within our government infrastructure who do understand the danger COVID presents right now in late summer – they sit on the COVID Task Force, helpfully. Yesterday, they met with Trump, for the first time since April (!), in an attempt to get Trump to “get it.” It apparently didn’t work. Trump fundamentally doesn’t want to hear it.

“He starts talking about something else,” is about as dangerous a phrase as one could put in that paragraph. Trump cannot even be forced to deal with reality if it doesn’t align with what he previously had believed, or needs to believe, in order to keep his world structured. If things get bad enough, if reality pierces his narrative cleanly enough, he will simply change the subject.

Now Trump is angry that the entire thing was leaked – and he must now know that his Task Force is speaking to the media:

There are two or three explanations for the fact that Trump simply changes the subject, one possibility for which is one we’ve examined here frequently:

Another thought is that it is basic immaturity. This is what kids do when they are confronted with a situation that they don’t want to deal with.

Whether it is due to mental illness or simple immaturity, we can’t know but the result is the same and it’s horrific. If there was another nation wanting to make a move on us geopolitically, now would be a perfect time, Trump can’t be bothered with reality right now.


This. Life is a game to Trump. The object of the game is to win, not help people. He wants to “win” (so much “winning”), and there is nothing to “win” here. So he can’t be bothered to tune in. As we reported last week, being president isn’t much fun for him right now, and if he doesn’t see how it could be fun again, it’s possible he will drop out.

Regardless, it is very easy to believe that upon being confronted with just how dire the situation is across the country, Trump … tries to change the subject.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom