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Trump Cultist Says People Who Criticize Trump Are ‘Poor’, ‘Uneducated’, and Lack Sophistication — The Internet Fights Back

Good God…Dinesh D’Souza is certainly having a day.

First, D’Souza made a silly and desperate claim that the name of the country Thailand is pronounced “Thighland” which is the way Donald Trump mispronounced it at a speech on Thursday.

Here, in case you forgot:

But D’Souza wasn’t done being dumb today!

The felon who was pardoned by Trump decided to really kiss Trump’s ass today, and took to Twitter to explain that Trump’s critics are just poor losers who have never traveled beyond their own state.

D’Souza tweeted, “Trump is a cosmopolitan. He went to Wharton, he’s a billionaire, he’s traveled around the world. His critics are poorer, less educated, and many have not left their home states. No wonder he seems like such an alien to them. They view him with hostile incomprehension #Thighland”

I mean, that’s just ridiculous. Quite frankly, it seems that D’Souza is describing Trump’s own supporters?

And let’s talk about Wharton. Trump went to the college that HAS the Wharton business school, which is the University of Pennsylvania. But Trump did not actually obtain any degree from that business school. He has a basic bachelors from the general university. He literally lies about his college degree. Don’t get me wrong, the University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school and a top university. But Trump still lies.

Furthermore, Trump was a TRANSFER student and the fact that he only spent approximately 18 months at Penn is also conveniently glossed over. To be clear, Trump holds a BACHELORS degree from Penn. References to Wharton are just to mislead people into thinking he has a masters degree – he does not.

Twitter had an absolute field day with D’Souza’s ridiculous statement: