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Trump Messes Up the Date of the Last Pandemic AGAIN and People Are Wondering if it is Dementia

After all this time, after all the history we’ve learned about pandemics, including details about the Spanish Flu of 1918, Donald Trump still cannot get the date of the last pandemic correct. Once again today during his press conference, Trump referenced the Spanish Flu, and just like he did all spring, Trump said that it happened in 1917 and, just as a bonus brain splat, said that it might well have helped to end … World War II, which ended in 1945.

One of two things must be true. Either Trump is such an asshole that not one person on his staff is comfortable saying, “Hey, boss, that first disease, the Spanish Flu – the one that your grandfather died off? It happened in 1918, and every time you say that it was 1917, you sound like you’re a bit out of it, like the guy with a “Kick me” sign on his back.” No one on Trump’s staff dares to say that to him, that’s one possibility.

Or Trump has some kind of cognitive defect keeping him from absorbing that it is 1918, and not 1917, that is the date associated with the Spanish Flu. Many people on Twitter are now starting to think that only option two explains what we’re seeing.

Normally, we don’t like to suggest that someone has dementia when we have no evidence, though we’ll report on others saying it. But the Trump campaign keeps saying that Biden exhibits dementia in being unable to determine which city he is standing in, so yes – it is a fair question now. Is this a sign of dementia?

Why would it be unfair to read that sentence back to Trump and ask if he has dementia? Or ask if he’s just that uneducated? Given what he and his campaign have said about Joe Biden.

It is now entirely fair to ask. Is it that Trump has no staff member willing to say “1918” to him? Is it that he’s got dementia? Which is it? Because it’s one or the other.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom