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Trump Plans Order to Require Pre-Existing Condition Coverage, Which He Claims Has ‘Never Been Done Before’

Friday night, Donald Trump held a press conference that seemed geared mostly to satisfy Trump’s need to perform to a room full of guests – less than 200 white guys in khaki shorts and polos, holding cocktails – while Trump read out loud some of the better than expected economic numbers released yesterday and announced that he planned to make several moves by executive order in place of a second stimulus bill. Trump announced that he would include within those provisions an order requiring insurance companies to cover all pre-existing conditions.

Such an “order,” of course, requires a law. In this country, we require laws to be passed by Congress. So we are highly fortunate that there already is such a law requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, it is called the ACA, or “Obamacare.” Yet Trump says that nothing like this has ever been done before. Indeed, his campaign sent tweets everywhere about the “big news.”

Moreover, the Trump administration is currently in court asking the Supreme Court to throw the ACA out, including the provision about pre-existing conditions, on the theory that none of these clauses can be severed. If one falls, they all must fall, including the pre-existing condition clause. Except, of course, the Trump administration just promised to sever them itself. Yes, it just stepped all over the central premise of its SCOTUS case, for an executive order that will likely never go into effect. The announcement was a campaign prop, and it just destroyed their SCOTUS case.

Americans quickly rushed to point out the own-goal.

People immediately noticed the inconsistency between Trump’s order and “reality,” and the tragic comedy to it:

Exactly. Now the arguments made in that lawsuit are entirely voided.

Trump is shameless and this isn’t the first time that Trump has claimed to be doing something “for the first time ever” through executive order that was done under Obama:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom