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Trump Viciously Attacks ‘Dummy’ Mayor of Portland and Issues Thinly Veiled Threat, ‘He Hasn’t Seen Anything Yet!’

Three days ago Kellyanne Conway said the quiet part out loud again, saying that the more chaos and violence, the better for Donald Trump. Sadly, this is probably right. Trump always planned on running on racial animosity, the NYT reported back in March that Russia planned on fanning the flames of racial hatred as an election strategy, but it is infinitely easier and more effective for Trump to run on such a program when there are protests that break into violent clashes, even though they are often instigated by Trump supporters … who also know that Trump benefits.

It is very easy to fully support Black Lives Matter and yet be furious with Portland protestors doing all they can to ensure Trump gets back in the race.

This week saw the clashes jump to a new level. Seven shots into the back of an unarmed black man with his children in the back of the car, protests in Kenosha, cops not arrested, a vigilante Trump supporter shoots two protestors dead, becomes a hero to the right, and last night violence from both sides with one Trump supporter dead. Biden has not been out in front of this enough, which means it’s all playing to Trump’s benefit, just like Kellyanne said.

Today Trump is doing all he can to raise the stakes further. Far from ensuring “Law and Order” (the second part of which is “order” which includes toning down the rhetoric) Trump is ensuring that he inflames more people. He relentlessly attacked Portland’s mayor in the last hour:

Trump thinks that every problem that ever existed must be solved through his definition of “strength,” one can hear echoes of his father, teaching him how to be a “killer.”

He f’ing loves this.

Brutal use of “police strength” is how we got here in the first place. Some people’s definition of law and order involves killing “those people.”

The attack on Portland mayor Ted Wheeler is meant to do nothing but make the situation worse: (Save space by posting two at once)

See how easily he divides the country into good guys and bad guys? The United States has never been divided like this, never. The only good guys are the ones that fully support him in everything – total loyalty, just like communist China, just like Pinochet’s Chile, and just like Stalin’s Soviet Union. It is getting very old and dangerous.

When Trump clamps down too hard with stormtroopers, he does nothing but make things worse. That being said, the protesters need to JUST protest. Do it like King, during the DAY, with obvious peaceful, non-violent, approaches – the only thing that ever worked in this country. If one is more concerned with retribution that having protests “work” then one is part of the problem, not the solution.

Of course, MANY Trump supporters want chaos and violence and are leaping to take advantage of the opportunity. Boogaloo bois are going to boogaloo.

Never one to be outdone in throwing grease on a political fire, Don Jr.’s worries about the situation are very very specific.

Strange. We have seen an unarmed black man gunned down in his own car, a 17-year-old psychopath kill two American protesters, and yet only now is Don Jr. concerned. This time the dead person is a MAGA, so obviously this life mattered.

This entire situation is so damned dangerous and Trump is doing all he can to make it more so. He does benefit from the increased chaos. Biden must get out in front more and lead. Any actual progressives participating in after dark protests are just ensuring more people get killed, it’s a tragedy. And we’re not even into September and October yet, when the “war” for the future really heats up. Sometimes one can’t help but feel we’re watching the end of the democratic “experiment” here, now. It was never perfect, or even all that good. But what slow movement the country made always moved in the right direction, until now.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom