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Americans are Shocked How Badly Trump is Slurring at Wisconsin Rally, ‘He Sounds Worse Than He Has in a While!’

Donald Trump is speaking to supporters in Mosinee, Wisconsin tonight as part of the 2020 presidential campaign. And boy does Trump sound tired. Or drugged? Or just plain out of it?

Easier today Trump spoke at an event and sounded drugged out…but it was a daytime event. This is a Trump rally! A MAGA rally! This is where Trump is normally his true self, loud and obnoxious, yelling about Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe.

Tonight thus far, eh. Trump is the sleepy one.

Trump arrived to the song Fortunate One, which is about the rich kids who paid to get out of the draft during Vietnam. I have NO IDEA why he would play this song since it is basically about him??

Trump went on to say that Biden was going to ban religion and energy. Where does he get this stuff? I’ve been around forever, and never have heard Biden say he would ban religion? The dude is Catholic…a practicing one!!

This man is clearly off his rocker:

And oh, the slurring! It’s just so painfully obvious at this point.

Come on, this man must be on something…what in the world is he even talking about here?? Speciality milks?? WTF??

Twitter is a buzz with just how bad the President* sounds, especially since Trump’s whole schtick is that Biden is the old demented one.

And just in case you forgot what a real president sounds like, have a listen: