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As Trump Says He Will Nominate a Woman, His Hands Mimic an Hourglass Shape and America’s Women NOTICE

Body language experts and psychotherapists always have a field day with Trump because he has no filter. A filter requires some mental tools he doesn’t possess. First, filters require discretion, which requires some self-reflection, an ability to look at one’s actions, and how they might impact others – nyet, as Trump would say in his favorite language. He doesn’t have it. A filter requires some discipline, a realization that you’re prone to doing a few stupid things with your hands when talking and thus you work on it. Nyet, Trump doesn’t have it. A filter requires the ability to learn, such that we’re filtering out things we’d do at age 20 so we’re not still doing them at age 74. Nyet.

Moreover, psychotherapists and psychologists love the fact that Trump does so much lying with his words that his body almost needs an outlet for the truth. Indeed, Trump’s need to lie is so great that he sometimes just has to let the truth slip in some weird way in telling us something in code. Speaking of code, Trump also uses body language that gives away his inner thoughts.

Trump made a highly interesting gesture today in announcing that he’d appoint a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court – that position that he has no right to fill given the seat stolen by the GOP from Obama. Trump doesn’t give a fck, McConnell doesn’t give a fck. Playing fair is for Democrats. And since Trump has appointed two of the whitest, most privileged men ever born already, and with an election coming up, Trump tells us that he’s appointing what is sure to be a whitest woman to the position. It’s how he told us that’s quite interesting.

OMG, dude. Come on!

Yes, of course, it could be nothing. But we watch Trump allll the time. He does accordion hands all the time. He does the clap all the time. He does the creepy “okay” thing alllll the time. We have never seen him do the T&A thing like that before. It is possible he has, we’d never say never. And it’s possible this means nothing. But it’s awfully unusual.

Oh, wait, we did find one other instance of his doing this:

American women (and men) sure noticed:

Jesus, help us.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom