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Former White House Aide: Trump ‘Sweating Bullets’ Over New Defection by Former Pence Adviser

For most of his four years, Trump enjoyed the luxury of having the entire executive branch staff committed to doing the work of the nation, whether that person approved of Trump or not. Trump benefitted from having people like Alexander Vindman, Miles Taylor, and James Kelly (to name just a tiny few) who exuded competence and commitment, whether Democrats liked these people or not, or whether they themselves approved of Trump or not, they simply did their jobs. Now, however, with the election coming and the country on the edge of a historic vote, some of those “insiders” who worked for Trump are coming out to tell their tales and support Joe Biden. Their words and stories devastate Trump’s campaign at a time when it teeters on the edge. They say Trump’s panicking.

Olivia Troye is the latest defection that has Trump nervous. Troye is a former top Homeland Security aide to Vice President Mike Pence. She came out on Thursday to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden in a devastating new ad that shredded President Donald Trump’s fitness for the presidency [1].

According to Miles Taylor, the former Chief of Staff for the Department of Homeland Security, the video ad and the defection are devastating to Trump. Taylor said on CNN this morning:

She is providing that firsthand testimonial that Donald Trump, on the most important national security issue of his entire presidency, was totally, totally checked out, to the extent that he was more focused on his re-election than he was on saving American lives. I think the White House is panicking here.

Taylor also said that Troye is just the “first domino” to fall in what will be a cascade of defections and endorsements, hinting that all this sounds planned.

You need to think of her as a domino that will start a chain reaction that will encourage more people to have the courage to speak up about this president and presidency and some of the damage that’s been done by Donald Trump and why we need to repair it.

So I think this is just the beginning.



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom