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GOP Party Leader Says He Worries Trump Will Say Something to ‘Screw Up’ Replacing Ginsburg

It will be an extremely difficult couple of weeks ahead, which is sort of silly to say given that we’ve experienced the single worst year in our generation. But now the boiling pot is about to run over. We probably ought to keep in mind that if the Republicans do attempt to jam this through (and there is every indication that at least some of them want to do just that) it will require some skill in doing so. They must try to find a way that doesn’t assure them of minority party status from now until the end of time. To that end, there is one person in the Republican party incapable of either discipline or skill and, of course, that is their leader, the MAGA man himself, Donald Trump.

Some in the GOP worry deeply that Donald Trump will say or do something to screw this all up, according to a new Politico deep dive [1] that analyzes the situation.

First, there is the fact that RBG’s death will help Trump’s campaign but only because his campaign had been languishing in shit for the last four months. Anything that radically changes the landscape for him will help because the landscape had been a hellscape. On the other hand, if he appoints someone and a vote is taken, he basically loses the last justification for voting for him

But any focus on the SCOTUS puts the focus on social issues and Trump would rather talk about social issues than anything else on the agenda, the alternative is talking about his COVID failures and the horrific economy. He was already discussing “2-A” as he likes to call it, and abortion rights will end, this is exactly what Trump needed to change the conversation.

But as a prominent GOP analyst said in Politico, never doubt Trump’s ability to screw it all up:

Brandon Scholz, a former executive director of the Wisconsin Republican Party, warned that Trump’s aides would have to try their best to keep the president on message with regard to the pick.

“He still has the possibility to screw things up and say something dumb. Who knows tomorrow what he’ll say and do and just let all the air out of the balloon,” Scholz said. “His campaign needs this. He needs this. It’s a game-changer. There aren’t too many game-changers like this around.”

It is one hope and his record shows that there is a lot of reason to hope that he does screw it up.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom