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Independent Psychiatrist Says the Transcript from Trump’s Rally Last Night is Proof of Dementia

A group of mental health professionals continually point to Trump’s unfitness for office and have done so since nearly the beginning. We are talking about the Duty to Warn people. Their criticism and the basis for it usually focus on Trump’s pathological narcissism, which is a personality defect. But an organic disease is entirely different than a personality defect, though not necessarily less serious. (It all depends) A disease is just as it sounds, something biochemically wrong with the brain and can run from depression all the way to total dysfunction due to Alzheimer’s.

Dr. John Talmadge is a professor of psychiatry and addiction medicine. He is not – to our knowledge – part of the Duty to Warn organization. The fact that Talmadge doesn’t speak as frequently about Trump’s health makes it more powerful when he chooses to talk about the symptoms he sees.

Today, Talmadge put out a tweet that contained part of the transcript from Trump’s speech last night. It is critical that people actually read Trump’s transcripts. We get so numbed to how Trump speaks that he can make it seem almost normal, or at least we hear his syntax as “normal” for him. (The things he says, the topics he addresses, those always stand out). But when you read the transcripts, the cognitive issues just jump off the page. Talmadge – the doctor specializing in this stuff – says it’s obvious evidence of dementia:

Is it not plain to see?

If the CEO of GM, Walmart, Pfizer, Seven-Eleven, whatever, gave a speech like that, there would be a rushed meeting of the Board of Trustees within a week. “Something is wrong with the CEO.” Why isn’t the president of the United States held to the Seven-Eleven standard? Don’t we have the right to a president who is cognitively as competent as the CEO of Dominoes?

We post just one reply with the perfect example.

Yes, that’s as good an example as any.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak