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The Trump Campaign Blames Democrats and ‘RINOS’ for Brad Parscale’s Breakdown and It’s Repugnant

Yesterday we reported on Brad Parscale’s health crisis – one so scary that it necessitated a call to a SWAT team, which thankfully took Brad into custody and into a hospital to get him the medical help he requires and deserves. We reported it with all the sensitivity and best-wishes that he, and everyone going through a mental health crisis, should get. Without regard to who it is or what they’ve been through, everyone deserves society’s help, support, and care when they are willing to endanger their own lives. That is called being human.

And that might explain how it is that the Trump campaign reacted so differently. Shamelessly, the Trump campaign lashed out at Democrats and “RINOS,” making it sound like Brad was driven to madness. Read the statement from Trump Campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh:

The disgusting, personal attacks from Democrats and disgruntled RINOs have gone too far, and they should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this man and his family.

Somewhere Hunter Biden is pounding his head against a wall with his eyes closed.

Now compare these two tweets. We find these particularly enlightening, not just with respect to Brad Parscale’s health, but – more broadly, how the Biden campaign and progressives generally look at the world and what we value in it:

The Democrats did nothing but offer Brad their thoughts and best wishes, even a tacit admission that things can get tough. Meanwhile, Brad’s own campaign people use the incident as just another tool to attack the “leftists.”

We need not even go into the irony that the Trump campaign has literally used foreign governments to frame certain innocent people and that Trump himself spends a good part of every day lashing out sadistically at anyone opposing him.

Regardless, no matter how evil Trump or the Trump campaign may be in handling this matter, until Brad is discharged and his physicians declare he’s able to return to work and life, we wish him nothing but the best and hope for a quick recovery.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom