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Trump Mocked Evangelicals After They Prayed for Him, ‘Can You Believe People Believe That Bulls–t?’

By now it’s no surprise that Donald Trump lies all the time but in his new book Disloyal: A Memoir, [1] Michael Cohen, the president’s former attorney adds several brand-new anecdotes that show just how low this man will go. The Washington Post [2] obtained an early copy of the book, which is expected to be released Tuesday, and discovered Trump even mocked those puppy dog evangelicals who laid their hands on him in a now-famous prayer session from 2016.

Friendly Atheist’s [5] Hemant Mehta, [6] quoting the Post noted:

“Cohen writes that before winning the presidency, Trump held a meeting at Trump Tower with prominent evangelical leaders, where they laid their hands on him in prayer. Afterward, Trump allegedly said: ‘Can you believe that bulls–t? Can you believe people believe that bulls–t?”

Mehta notes:

“The Master of Bullshit knew it when he saw it.”

Cohen paints a scary picture of the people who surround Trump, noting that the situation isn’t unlike the goings-on in the mafia. He describes himself as “one of Trump’s bad guys,” and describes Trump as “a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man.”

Which means he’s really telling us things we already know. But that’s fine; it’s good to continually hammer these points as the election looms and Mehta notes that Trump could have been an empathetic president but chose another path.

“It’s almost infuriating to think that Trump, a man with no principles, could have been a relatable candidate, but came to the conclusion that playing into the hands of those evangelicals and nominating any judges they wanted in exchange for power was a convenient path to the presidency. He was right.”

Mehta couldn’t help but wonder if this would lead evangelicals away from supporting Trump but then concluded the situation won’t likely change and noted:

“I doubt it. They’ll just dismiss Cohen as an enemy out to get Trump, not around Trump after those public displays of religion were over and fully aware of what Trump said in private,” Mehta writes. “They weren’t bothered by Trump hypocrisy for years. They weren’t bothered by him tear-gassing Americans for a photo op outside a church he didn’t attend while pathetically holding up a random Bible he’s never read.”

I surmise they’ll also make excuses for Trump and try to pretend this is one of his “senior” moments because let’s face it, Trump has many such moments. They will continue to support Trump because they believe he’s turning the U.S. into a “Christian” nation and some will do anything to support this, even if it means kowtowing to a man who thinks they’re idiots.

I’m just laying the situation bare here, folks. This is the kind of man our president is.