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Whoopi Slams Meghan McCain Back to Reality After McCain Once Again Defends Trump

Meghan McCain continues her career as a MAGA in sheep’s clothing. There is really no other explanation. The evidence in front of our faces indicates that Meghan may detest Trump personally – almost surely does – but she is such a partisan Republican that she secretly wants Trump to win anyway.

There is no real alternative theory that fits the evidence we’ve seen over the last few months. Recall that two months ago McCain said she hadn’t committed to voting for Biden, one of her father’s best friends, because she wanted to see who Biden nominated for VP? Recall John Kasich telling Meghan to wake-up? We cannot know what’s in McCain’s mind but in judging what she says it seems pretty obvious to us.

Yesterday, The View went over Trump’s disastrous Town Hall on ABC. McCain had to know that the thing went terribly for Trump. So McCain shifted focus to a topic that absolutely no American really cares about right now. Middle East peace.

I see this through a different lens. I actually was most interested in the Abraham Accords, which is this new realignment and peace treaty between United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and the United States. It’s hard to give credit and any wins to the Trump administration, but I try to be fair and call balls and strikes like we see it.

We don’t give any credit because this administration has no credibility. Moreover, none of these countries were at war with each other and none of this involves the Palestinians. Meghan then took waaayyy too much time trying to convince us that any of this matters to our daily lives before summarizing:

This is a step forward for peace in the Middle East and for any pro-Israel American, it was a big day. That’s what I was most interested in last night when I watched.

She just happened to choose to focus on the portion in which Trump looked “least bad,” yeah – okay.

We are all for Middle East peace. It is just that when the guy who is head of your government is lying about a pandemic that is keeping the nation’s economy crawling along, kids out of school, and many Americans scared of getting sick, it’s just hard to give a fck, you know, Meg?

Whoopi knows where all this is headed and called McCain out:

“I’m all for peace everywhere, and when they do it, I’ll believe it. I just don’t want to get excited about very much stuff when I hear it now. This is why I have such a hard time because, you know, you get excited and you think, okay, maybe this time, and then you get your face smashed. I’m not going to do that.

Whoopi then took the issues back to where it belonged, on race relations in the United States and the young black man asking Trump when he thought America was great for black people, a question Trump couldn’t answer.

But the lesson we take away is that McCain can’t be trusted anymore as a “never Trumper.” She may never like Trump. But she sure doesn’t seem to “like” Biden, either. She’s just that partisan and her father would be disgusted.



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom