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A Very Orange Trump Sounded OUT OF IT Tonight at ‘Celebration’ for New Justice and People Noticed

Donald Trump has appeared “out of it” on all too many occasions. At times he appears so jacked up that people have to watch what might be flying out of his nose. People have noticed that his pupils appear to be bigger than his head (a side effect associated with some kind of stimulant), at other times – often only hours later – he appears to be an entirely different person. He is so “calm” and “sedate” that one thinks he has to have gone another direction, chemically-speaking.

Some might say it’s unfair to always attribute chemical enhancement to his behavior, and yet when one watched Obama, Bush, Clinton, one didn’t see the “completely different person” that one sees with Trump. We have NO proof that he misuses any medication. We have no proof regarding what Trump may or may not use. We have all read the reports from Noel Casler, Trump insider, about addiction running through the family, and Trump needing his Adderall and benzos. That is not proof, but it’s awfully consistent with stuff people have seen.

As we’ve already reported tonight with respect to Lindsey Graham, this should be their ultimate moment of triumph. They got a third – a THIRD – SCOTUS judge on the court by ONE WEEK (well, they could’ve done it as a lame duck session, but that would guarantee court packing like they’ve never seen, 21 justices, all 25 years old, all who make AOC look like Strom Thurmond). But one gets the sense that maybe even THEY realize that they went too far this time, and pissed off a few too many people, who can read between the lines and know that they did this to rid the country of the ACA, and people liked most of the ACA. Maybe they know that they just sealed their fate.

Maybe Trump is just loaded. (We can’t be sure). We don’t know a THING about dementia or whether Trump is demonstrating anything of the sort, that’s nothing but one guy’s opinion. We CAN notice Trump’s demeanor and it ain’t right, whatever it is, it isn’t “celebratory,” and he sure damn well does get lost in his sentence.

Good luck next week fckers. We believe that you’ve really pissed some people off. Not that you hadn’t already, what with COVID sweeping the nation again. But this didn’t help, not at all.

Twitter had some thoughts:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak