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Americans Furious After Melania Releases Absolutely Ridiculous PSA Just Days After Her Husband Attacked Hunter Biden

We still await the day that Melania Trump can act like a simple, normal, American mom and look into a camera and speak from the heart – even with a script – about … literally anything. We have yet to see Melania put out a video through a tweet that didn’t look like a glam shot made for Vogue.

In her latest, she’s actually too cool, or too fashionable, or too bruised (we truly don’t know) to stand straight looking at the camera. She almost seems to be hiding the right side of her face and several people on Twitter wanted to know why.

Moreover, her thickly-accented English, which isn’t a fault at all, it’s just so inexplicably weird given that she’s lived here near 25 years, is almost impossible for an adult to decipher, never mind the children, to whom the message is sent. Melania also invites Director Jim Carroll of the White House Office of National Drug control policy. Offensively, Carroll then comes in to talk about the record action that the Trump administration has taken in this area. As such, the tweet is nothing more than a commercial for the Trump campaign.

It is also a commercial for the Trump campaign that comes out just two days after Trump savagely went after Joe Biden’s son Hunter for overcoming a cocaine addiction (something to which neither Trump nor his son can lay claim, if one believes the rumors), and so it was one hell of a time for this particular “commercial” to appear.

So what’s up with the twisted head and bedroom eyes?

We keep going back to why Mel cannot even face the camera? She is supposedly also speaking to children, can she ever simply wear some jeans and a sweater to look like a “person” who is speaking to kids? How about some regular khakis and a button-down shirt, like a teacher? But not Mel, her purpose in life is to never let you forget that she was a supermodel in her own mind, no matter how pictures are on the net proving otherwise.

As per usual, Melania got some very helpful feedback:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak