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Bill Maher Predicts Trump is Going to Lose Big, and Then He’s Going to Go Apesh*t’ and Won’t Leave

The presidential election is only a week away now, and Democrat Joe Biden is clobbering [1] Trump in the polls, but lots of us, including “Republicans and Democrats, journalists, and party operatives, political junkies and casual observers — are held hostage by memories of four years ago,” when Trump scored a huge upset, write’s Politico’s [2] Tim Alberta. [3] “The bad news for Trump supporters is 2020 is nothing like 2016.”

Other folks have thoughts on this as well, per The Week. [4] The Wall Street Journal’s [5] Peggy Noonan [6] voiced some concerns over the polls thanks to the unpredictability of Trump supporters (who seem to think their messiah can do no wrong.)

“We know what those polls suggest,” she writes. “But there is little air of defeat among Trump supporters and no triumphalism among Democrats. Trump supporters believe he will win because of his special magic, Trump foes fear he will win because of his dark magic. Pollsters and pundits stare at the data and wonder how to quantify his unfathomable magic.”

I’m going to put this nicely, but I think the idea that Trump’s foes worrying about his so-called “dark magic” is a steaming pile of blarney. Most Democrats are salivating at the idea that Trump may lose. And while Rick Wilson is a Republican strategist, he’s dead-set against Trump, and the Lincoln Project, which he co-founded has created ads that have done deserved damage to Trump. The one below is especially effective:

But even as all of this goes on, some people are still worried that Trump “won’t go gently into that good night,” to quote [9] Dylan Thomas. Real Time host Bill Maher is especially concerned that Trump will be stubborn in the face of defeat because “it’s not election night; it’s Nov. 4 to Jan. 20, and then after,” he told Kimmel Live host Jimmy Kimmel on Monday.

“It’s impossible to imagine, I think, Trump losing and then saying, ‘Well, we fought the good fight but the best man won, and I’m telling my staff to graciously allow Biden to take over.’ No, he’s never going to do that. He’s going to lose — my prediction. Now, last time I didn’t even say Hillary was going to win when most people did. This time I do think Biden’s gonna win by large numbers, popular vote, and even the Electoral vote, and then Trump is gonna go apesh*t.”

In typical Maher deadpan fashion, he noted Trump “doesn’t do losing — other than three marriages, three casinos, four magazines, an airline, a football league, a charity, and a university, he’s never lost anything.

“So he’s not going to go gently into the night,” Maher told Kimmel. “That’s what I worry about. And he’s a master of ‘It isn’t written down, so I can do it.”

I think some of his supporters may be worrisome as well. Most are racist QAnon conspiracy believers and many have guns. That’s what worries me.

Here’s what Maher had to say in the video below.