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Don Jr. Says That if He Was Using ‘Hookers and Crack’ it Would Be a Huge Deal, But Hunter Biden Gets Away With It

The Trump family is working so damned hard on its planned “October surprise” that they’re going to make it a November surprise if they’re not careful. They have yet to figure out that the American public is on to them, that the Russians help them set this all up, we had an impeachment over it, the Bidens are good (if flawed) people, and they simply are not going to make the Bidens the bad guys the way they did Hillary and her emailzzzz.

Amazingly, Don Jr. is attempting to convince you that A) Hunter Biden is running for President, B) Junior is a credible person who wouldn’t lie about this sort of thing, C) The Trump family would never engage in any of this corrupt stuff the Bidens do and D) even if it were all true, which it is not at all, Biden would still be a better candidate than Trump ten times over and less corrupt.

See if you can pick up on any of the projection happening here in this tweet, it practically begs a person to look closely at Junior’s life of late:

NO Junior, the cocaine and hookers wouldn’t be a big deal if they were you because you’ve spent four years coked out of your fcking skull – people can see it on Twitter, you’ve been called out on it, and just because you spend most of your time with one particular woman who sells herself, doesn’t maker her any less of a … I can’t get out of my mind that this man has five kids at home. Some of us can’t go five hours without our daughter, wouldn’t dare make a store run without our daughter, play Roblox with one daughter just to have time with them, and this asshole leaves five kids to …

We are off topic.

The point is that this October surprise is not working primarily because Americans don’t believe for a second that the Bidens are corrupt but they know the Trumps are corrupt. Even the MAGA heads will mostly admit it. They simply don’t care anymore, they think he’s doing a great job because men are men again and it’s okay to be racist and misogynist.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak