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Don Jr. Wants You to Know That His Family are the Victims Here, Darn It, and Don’t You Forget It!

How many recall the grueling interview that Robert Mueller put Don Jr. through? What was it, 2 days? One? Zero? That sounds right, zero. He was never interviewed by Robert Mueller.

How many times has Hunter Biden been hours away from being indicted for fraud by the Manhattan D.A., only to have Dad’s attorney step in with a check? None, that’s right.

How many times has Don Jr., acting president of the Trump Organization, been publicly audited for any possible conflicts of interest between what he was doing as Trump Organization “president” and son of the actual “president?” How many times has Hunter taken the 5th? How many times has Don Jr. threatened to? Several times.

Whose job is it to look into possible crimes? Is it the media’s or is it the FBI and CIA? Who is in charge of the FBI and CIA? “I need a favor, though.”

Yet this little mother fffff, has the gumption to come out and whine that HE has been taking it on the chin for four years, the media giving him a colonoscopy and yet won’t cover HUNTER BIDEN, quite possibly because ALL the evidence against Hunter Biden somehow seems linked to Rudy Giuliani, Ukraine, Ron Johnson, and the Russians, so much so that no journalist – including those at the NY Post that covered the story – would put their name on the byline, it was that bad. The “evidence” is that thin.

Because where have we seen this before? Two weeks prior to an election! A laptop with all kinds of horrific shit is found! It is examined by the FBI, because … because why not! And it was found by a friend of Rudy, who got it from a friend from a friend, and and … and look at it! It’s got all kinds of awful crack smoking sex stuff because everyone films it when they do that!

My god, these people:

What is clear is this, there is one – and only one, strategy to win back the Oval Office. Whine like there’s no tomorrow because you damn sure don’t want to be running on their record!

Whine like Hunter is running for President, just like last time, when Hillary and Bill were running. Where have we seen this whole act before? They couldn’t even come up with something fresh? What happened to the billion dollars? I think we know.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak