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Fox News Drills RNC Chair with the OBVIOUS: Trump’s 145 Interruptions? ‘Women Don’t Like That’

One of the most delicious ironies of the Trump age is that the head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, must not only back up absolutely everything Trump does or says (because Trump IS the GOP now) but McDaniel also happens to be the niece of the only Republican senator who even mildly attacks Trump occasionally, including – not so mildly – voting Trump “Guilty” on impeachment.

Anyway, Fox News had RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on this morning to discuss the debate again and specifically, that the presidential commission is strongly considering enacting the “Trump rule” and putting in a “mute” button for the next debate. (Are we the only ones who think of the South Park episode with the shock collar that shocks Cartman every time he swears whenever we hear about the mute button?).

Sandra Smith asked McDaniel a truly interesting question (to her credit):

“At any point when you were watching the debate, did you wish that perhaps President Trump didn’t jump in there as much as he did?”

McDaniel didn’t get to be RNC Chair by violating the only rule, which is saying anything bad about Trump, so she lied (in our opinion): I actually wanted him to keep asking him about stacking the Supreme Court.

We do believe that she actually wanted Trump to stick to the issues, and the SCOTUS might’ve been one, but astute readers will note that she didn’t answer the question.

Smith was having none of it and interrupted: “But to that point about the interruptions. Did you ever think, that’s too much?”

McDaniel lied again, saying Biden interrupted just as much, “Both sides” comes naturally to the GOP. Smith ignored the lie and asked again:

“But I’m asking you a question that you’re not answering. Did at any point, did you think it would be better for your party, better for the Trump campaign to not have jumped in as much as he did?

Many women didn’t like that. They didn’t like the aggressiveness that they saw on the stage. At any point, I’m asking you, Ronna, did you wish the president didn’t jump in as much?”

McDaniel, having lied her way this far into it just continued on:

I’m speaking as a female voter. (Sort of. We believe you’re more speaking at head of the TRNC)

I wanted to see the president to force Joe Biden to answer these questions. I really wanted Chris Wallace to do it and I was glad to see the president do it.

It is called gaslighting. Wallace had to jump in and beg Trump to answer the actual question asked, and Trump believed that it was his right to ask Joe whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and not have to answer questions.

There is much more below in the video:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak