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Fox’s John Roberts Snaps on Live TV After Kayleigh McEnany’s Disgusting Briefing, ‘I’m Tired of It!’

As we reported earlier, an extremely hostile press briefing occurred today at the White House press room. Reporters want an answer to a question bothering well over half of Americans: Why is it so damned difficult – nay, impossible – for the White House to come out and say “We condemn White Supremacy.”

While Kayleigh McEnany is busy making vacuous statements devoid of meaning such as: “[Trump] has condemned white supremacy more than any President in modern history,” as she did in today’s briefing, real reporters, such as the Washington Posts’ Phillip Rucker have noted:

In fact, white supremacists have been encouraged more by this president than by any president in modern history. This week, he galvanized the Proud Boys. The FBI has been warning of the rising threat of violent white supremacy in the United States.

When the president of the U.S. seems to be encouraging or rallying white supremacists to violence, especially one month prior to an election where Trump has all but promised “trouble” in the streets if the vote doesn’t turn out the way he likes, it’s a huge issue and the White House must address it.

But it won’t.

And John Roberts of Fox News is damned well fed up. After the briefing, Roberts appeared on the White House lawn and told the nation how he saw it:

“All of you on Twitter who were hammering me for asking that question [3], I don’t care! Because it’s a question that needs to be asked and clearly the president’s Republican colleagues, a mile away from here, are looking for an answer for it too. So stop deflecting! Stop blaming the media! I’m tired of it!”



Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak