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Franklin Graham Calls for Everyone to Fast And Pray For Trump This Sunday

If there’s one thing Franklin Graham has made very clear, it’s his unwavering support for President Donald Trump — to the point of making excuses for him. Even when Trump cheats on Melania because [1] he defends the Christian faith. And especially when Trump discriminates against LGBTQ+ people by rolling back legislation [2] that’s meant to protect them, because if there’s one group of people Graham [3] really seems to hate, it’s these people.

Right now, he’s worried that Trump is going to lose on Election Day, and he wants his followers to fast and pray on Sunday, October 25. And he’s all blither-blather about it in a Facebook post, per Joe.My.God. [4]

“When the survival of King Jehoshaphat’s nation was at stake and his people were in danger from their enemies, he called for a fast,” Graham wrote. “The people sought the Lord and His help — and he delivered them.”

He warned his followers to pray — or else.

“Today, our nation is at a critical juncture. We need to call out to God for His help, His intervention, and His mercy,” he warned. “It is only by His hand that America will survive and be able to thrive again.”

Charlatans like Graham always amaze me. I guess I should be used to this nonsense by now. Graham’s God is a vengeful one bent on persecuting “sinners” while calling for a man who’s a greedy racist pedophile who has allowed more than [5] 226,000 Americans to die on his watch rule the country. That’s who Graham and his fellow evangelicals see fit to be president.

If Joe Biden is elected he will, in all likelihood, set the U.S. on a better path, but that’s not in Graham’s purview.

“We have an election coming up with so much at stake — two vastly different directions for the future of this country,” he wrote. “This not only affects us but our children and our grandchildren.”

Then he gets all biblical on us:

“And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord, and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 20: 3-4).

I’m not a person who relies on prayer. I’m a disbeliever in such things, but if I were to pray, it would be for Trump to lose the election in the hope that he and his supporters crawl back under the rocks from whence they came.

Here’s Graham’s Facebook post below:

When the survival of King Jehoshaphat’s nation was at stake and his people were in danger from their enemies, he called…

Posted by Franklin Graham [6] on Saturday, October 17, 2020 [7]