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From the Looks of Trump’s Last Low-Energy Rally Speech, It’s Appears the Man is Giving Up

Maybe you could chalk it up to amazing ego meets amazing medicine, or the love of adoring crowds, who knows what the ultimate reason might have been, but one thing we could agree upon is that Donald Trump was able to bring energy to “the rallies.” In fact, that was part of the problem, he had so much energy, left people ready to run through walls for him, convinced he was some kind of god.

If there was ever a time when you wanted to keep that energy up and excite the crowds, it would be right now in the state of Pennsylvania. There is a consensus among the political cognoscenti that the person that wins Pennsylvania will likely win the election. Trump needs it far more than Biden because Biden has more paths. Hell, for Biden, even Texas is in play right now,  Georgia, too. Trump needs Florida and he needs Pennsylvania, if he got both of those, then he starts to make it tough on Biden, possibly needing Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

So, of all days, Trump needs to bring it in Pennsylvania today and get his voters out there! Except, that’s not really happening, not so much:

We have another theory, and it doesn’t help him with his need to get the voters out. But this is a man who might still be suffering from COVID. He might be done with the strong steroids they had him on. He might be experiencing symptoms that many post-COVID patients experience, headaches, fatigue, depression, and others. In other words, he may be experiencing all those things that kept this disease from being far worse than a case of the “sniffles.”

Of course, he always knew that, he just lied about it to us.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom