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Melania Trump Faces Backlash for Vicious and Negative Campaign Speech, ‘She Was in Attack Mode!’

If and when the First Lady is sent out to campaign for the president, it is supposed to be positive. Everything about the First Lady is supposed to be positive (unless you’re a Democrat because none of us had problems with the Bush spouses or even Nancy Reagan).

The First Lady is supposed to represent only the best of us with programs that no one could argue with, Melania’s original idea about online bullying was brilliant, Michelle’s focus on exercise and healthy eating was desperately needed, Laura Bush was a trained librarian, of course focusing on literacy at all ages was brilliant.

That is what First Ladies do. When they do campaign, they highlight the wonderful things that have happened under their husband’s leadership. They don’t get down in the mud where they’d meet Newt. Yet that is exactly what Melania did. We have transcripts and will publish the worst parts.

The success of a vaccine will save millions of lives over the long term. I believe in our incredible doctors, nurses, medical professionals, and scientists. The Democrats have chosen to put their own agendas ahead of the American people’s wellbeing. Instead, they attempt to create a divide, a divide on something that should be nonpartisan and non-controversial. A divide that causes confusion and fear instead of hope and security. That is not leadership. Let us also not forget what the Democrats chose to focus on when COVID-19 first came into our country.

The only divide has been caused by a guy walking around saying that he believes there will be an announcement before November 3rd – which tells educated people that “saying” something that could help is more important than the truth.

While the President was taking decisive action to keep the American people safe, the Democrats were wasting American taxpayer dollars in a sham impeachment. They cared more about removing our elected president. Meanwhile, I watched Donald continue to work hard to keep people informed and calm, to protect our economy and make hard and unpopular decisions to the do all he could do to keep us all safe. This sham was led by opposition and their display of hatred is on display to this day.

– If it was a sham, why was no one allowed to testify except a few brave ones who immediately lost their job and did establish the truth.

-Trump admitted to lying and we know he lied to keep the markets calm, that’s what he cared about last March and he admitted lying. That’s not taking care of people.


Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserve a better display of political responsibility and respect for our sacred institutions.

This coming from Donald Trump’s wife with no shame.

On November 3rd, when you vote, you’re voting for our children’s futures. As long as Donald Trump is President, our American family values and the virtues that our country was built upon will continue to be cherished and upheld. The Democrats with help from the media have worked tirelessly to all but destroy our traditional values. Before my husband decided to run for President, the media loved him because they saw the man that I see every day. Someone tough, successful, and fair.

Attacks the media. Says that before Trump was president media loved him, despite the fact that we specifically remember reading a Vanity Fair article about him in 1991 and thinking to ourselves: “That has to be the biggest asshole we’ve ever read about!” The media is not after Trump in any way.

Her speech may as well have been delivered by Mike Pence, Hugh Hewitt, Rush Limbaugh, or Trump himself. If this is how they plan to use Melania, good luck getting nice pictures during the locals news with sweet comments that are supposed to be uplifting.

Twitter had some thoughts:

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak