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Right Wing Pastor Voting for Trump Because Trump ‘Doesn’t Care About Money, Fame or Power’

Right-wing pastor E.W. Jackson has seen through all this political branding bullshit. He knows exactly what Joe “Fancy Pants” Biden is after – he wants to double his old salary of $180,000 (or so) as Senator and Vice President, and he wants the big money, Biden is after that $400,000 that the President makes. Without saying it, Biden is doing this whole thing for the money, because – at 77, his best years to enjoy it are ahead of him! Pastor Jackson also knows that Biden just wants more power and fame. Being Vice President to the most well-liked man on Earth wasn’t enough, he wants more and wants it for himself, the fame, the power, it’s just irresistable to Biden.

Pastor Jackson has Biden so figured out that he’s decided he’s voting for Donald Trump because Trump isn’t in it to enrich himself or increase his power (he was already rich and powerful!), Donald Trump is running for the right reason, he loves America – or at least that part that loves him.

You think this is a made-up story? No one can be that stupid? You don’t know America, nor Right Wing Watch:

That wasn’t easy to take, but you had been warned.

Americans had some mixed reaction:

We think we’d go with the oldest theory of them all. He is trying to get rich himself, somehow.

It is possible, but we’re still going with money, there is money to be made in supporting Trump, not so much in supporting Biden.

We we’re talking. Stuff that could make someone rich!

Unfortunately, this is the answer. Too many drank the kool-Aid and are paying the price.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @MiciakZoom