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Steve Schmidt Goes Viral After Humiliating Trump on Twitter, ‘Your Grandchildren Will Be Ashamed of Their Names!’

Steve Schmidt is a Republican who thought John McCain would make a better president than Obama (who was pretty damn good), and one of the GOP’s thought-leaders until the GOP gave up on thought altogether as entirely overrated, driving Schmidt so far out of the party that he wants it burned to the ground and a new conservative party to start anew.

Schmidt is our kind of conservative.

Maybe it is the fact that he is a conservative with impeccable bona fides that he feels more freed than anyone to tell some truths about Trump that few others will. He also speaks directly to Trump in his tweets. His effectiveness might well also have something to do with the fact that the guy is f-ing brilliant which makes one wonder what he was ever doing …

Some progressives say don’t lean on this guy for anything, wolf-sheep, whatever. I’m going to fall in love with anyone who can say THIS: (As per usual, on longer threads, we post every other thread. It will only make sense to read each post from the top):

Trump’s world is full of winners and losers, he’s never beaten Schmidt. Guess what that makes Trump? Way to get under his skin immediately.

Steve knows that money matters more than being president, and simply wonders how many “rich guys” have $421 million in debt? Bezos has that on his credit card, but – you know, can cover it in a month. Not Trump.

Ah, old, tired, loser, ladies man! Nice

Play on paranoia!! Always a good move!

Gratuitous insults because why not?

And my personal favorite, because it’s just SO TRUE:

There are a ton of great anti-Trump screeds out there on Twitter. I challenge anyone to find a better one and I promise to publish it because it’s time for brutal honesty.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak