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Trump Just Left the White House for Iowa, Which is Terrible News for the Trump Campaign

In 2016, Trump won Iowa by almost 10% of the vote, a fraction between 9 and 10%.

In the last 20 days, the candidate is no longer trying to persuade new voters, the candidate is trying to motivate his or her voters to show up at the polls and actually vote.

Donald Trump is on his way to Iowa! He even provided us some pretty pictures:

Iowa, land of corn, farmland, white people who own guns, women who listen to men, very very few suburban women, and yet Trump’s on his way to give a talk in Iowa.

That, dear readers, is one of the best signs we’ve seen all day on a day of depressing signs – like the fact that the snake in the pretty dress and pretty hair is about to be confirmed on the Supreme Court, where – judging by her looks and health, she’ll sit for 50 years, voting down anything that doesn’t pass muster with what she believes is the proper place of government, which is nothing BUT assuring you can have guns, assuring you CANNOT have a say in what’s happening in your body, or your bedroom, assuring you cannot have a say against the police, and assuring that whatever you might say against BIG corporation America is the wrong thing to have said.

She is very smart, she will find a way, she is a snake that looks like a nice Irish lass.

Meanwhile, in great news, the man who appointed her is on his way to Iowa because his pollsters tell him that he cannot even afford to risk that state right now and – trust them – it’s hard to win as a Republican without winning IOWA.

So that’s something. And if Trump loses the presidency, the Repubs lose the Senate, and having just pushed their favorite snake through the process and onto the court to ensure NONE of it matters because everything the Democrats do is struck down 6-3, expect to see at least 3 new judges appointed to the SCOTUS sometime soon. Let the Republicans deal with the fallout. We’re tired of them having that attitude and letting us deal with the fallout.

BTW – Make DC and Puerto Rico a state and they GOP will never have the Senate majority ever again anyway. Split California into three states in just the right spots, same with Texas, and watch democracy suddenly flower in the United States.

Have fun in Iowa.

Oh, and Trump spent a whopping 15 seconds saying that Barron is ok, after news he was positive with COVID. Let’s be real, Trump probably didn’t even know his son was sick.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak