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Trump Sparks Health Concerns With Worrisome Signs at Rally, Like Being Unable to Pronounce ‘Iowa’

Various people have watched Trump for a significant period of time for signs of cognitive loss or other concerning neurological or drug issues. Watch video from him eight years ago, it’s obvious he’s aged cognitively. Most have.

So many noticed and published, that for us to cover Trump in a manner that covered “the subject surrounding Trump,” we also would publish stories on what was being said. Yet, we were also always careful to note that we would never come to a conclusion as to the cause, nor should anyone – at least with respect to neurological issues. Personality disorders are different. Neurological conclusions are worthless without a full examination that includes a rundown of all medications.

The fact that Trump wanted two doctors to sign NDAs when going to Walter Reed for nothing but the treatment of a viral disease that has impacted millions in this country raises red flags. Other red flags are raised when Trump’s own physicians will not address whether he has had two negative tests in a row that indicate whether a person is truly unable to pass the virus on to others.

We have also noted that this virus is not fully understood in any way. Some patients have been known to test negative but have had antibodies demonstrating an infection at one point. We have read about patients that endure symptoms long beyond the virus leaving their system because this virus seems to also impact the central nervous system somehow, including headaches, and significant depression, we have also read about heart damage in even healthy young individuals.

None of which means that Donald Trump is suffering from any of these symptoms. It only means we need an honest assessment and work-up from his physicians as we are about to vote on whether to hire the man again. Keeping that information from us is every bit as selfish and dangerous as keeping information from his taxes and to whom he owes these loans. Conflicts of interest are important to know, and we can’t know unless we know who is actually running the country.

Last night, as on many occasions, Trump displayed signs that may mean nothing more than slipping dentures, or a man still weak from a virus, to a lot of other more worrisome things. We again caution that Tom Joseph is not a physician only someone who documents behaviors and one who has gone through diseases with his family. He lost some credibility weeks ago when releasing a misleading video in which it appeared that Trump wandered around aimlessly. Before publishing, we sought confirmation of the video and easily found an explanation.

All that being said, these behaviors were apparent last night.

And check this out:

We leave it to the viewer to come to conclusions as to what it means to you. We have determined that some comments on Twitter are even less helpful than the original video, though we’ll occasionally publish some of the funnier, original ones – only because Trump is accusing Biden of much worse.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak