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Trump Wants You Feel Bad for Son Don Jr., ‘Oh My Poor Boy, What That Boy Has Been Through!’

We have read this quote probably twenty times – or nineteen times too many – and have yet to translate it into English, at least of the type with which we’re familiar.

We fail to understand the point that Donald Trump attempts to get across here. He seems to be implying that if his son had to go through what Hunter Biden has gone through, it would be awful.

Is that correct? We don’t know! Is he referring to the fact that he was questioned by the House? But nonetheless, Trump compared Don Jr. to Hunter Biden.

“Can you imagine if Don Jr had problems of where’s Hunter? Don Jr. Oh, my poor boy. Boy, what that boy has been through.” — Trump

Umm, let’s look at Hunter, first, because – we have to look at one of them first. We are willing to bet that Hunter’s father has hugged him at least once in his life and told him that he loved him and is proud of him. Donald Trump may have trouble believing this, but things like that mean something to kids growing up. Hunter Biden is a graduate of Yale Law School, which – while not necessarily conferring any tremendous “status” or particularly “important” value does seem to indicate that Hunter can do his own work, take his own tests, and get through his own shit.

Did we mention that Hunter’s dad unquestionably loves him and doesn’t look like he wants to smack him across the face every time he sees him? Hunter went through a period in his life when he was in active addiction – something we don’t fck around about with anyone because it’s neither “funny” nor indicative of any personal failure, it just “is.” Hunter seems to have gotten through it, day by day, and his dad loves him. We can’t say that enough. Others seem to love him, too.

Hunter doesn’t seem rich, he applied for a job to teach at UCLA last year – life is tough when having a falling out of the military, no matter what one’s last name might be. Hunter had some business opportunities opened up because in America, and everywhere else on the globe, that happens if one has the right last name. If everyone who held a position on a board of directors because of their last name alone was fired, there would be a lot of empty boards of directors.

Now let’s look at Don Jr. We do not want to get too far into Don Jr.’s life because by all appearance, Don Jr. is STILL in active addiction and we’re going to treat it the same way we did Hunter’s, except to say get help. (We cannot be positive but my god the rumors are out there and so is the video). Don Jr. made a whole lot of money because of his last name. In fact, we’re not sure he’s ever made a dollar outside of the company with his last name – and no, the books don’t count. If they were written by Don Trunk Jr. no one would buy them or publish them.

Don Jr.’s FIVE kids seem to be left at home with mom while Dad travels across the country with a woman that looks like grandma number three. That would seem to continue the pain of growing up Trump.

In terms of “investigations” and possible misdealing, all we can say is that Don Jr. was hours away from being charged with felony fraud in New York when a certain attorney stepped in with a big campaign contribution for A.G. Vance who shall never be damned enough, even if he does get them all this time. We might also point out that, as far as we know, Hunter is legally allowed to operate a charity in New York state. Don Jr.’s time is coming, when someone goes through his deals with a fine tooth comb, and not one that Rudy set up, either.

Did we mention that Hunter’s dad has hugged him and said he loved him?


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak