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Trump’s Tweeting Out Photos From His Horrid 60 Minutes Interview and He’s Just Making Things Worse

Something very very bad happened during the Lesley Stahl interview. Did he piss himself and then deny it while changing? That would make more sense than the anger and time Trump is spending today refuting some aspect of the interview that will now get higher ratings than the Super Bowl. In the Super Bowl, no one knows who wins and 50% of the people like one team or the other. In this game, everyone knows who wins and 58% of Americans prefer the winning team.

Trump’s Twitter feed is not just obsessed with the topic, but it’s also intentionally vague as to the point that he’s making. Which, now that we think about it, sort of sums up the entire Trump presidency.

Kayleigh was there! Wow, impressive, have your White House press secretary present at a critical interview!

Does this prove that Trump was in the room at the time, and thus some of the answers must have been his and not dubbed in later by 60 Minutes? Might he be better off were that the case?

Pictures were even taken of him far away from the camera, so it’s not like the camera was in their face, and so of course that means … nothing we can figure out, though we’re not that smart. We might ask Nicole.

Trump interacted WITH his hands! Did they show his hands? Huh? Maybe he was conveying some important stuff, like flipping Lesley off with his hands but that never made it in!

We could add about 400 responses, or 40,000, but really – none of them have any better idea as to why they are posted than Nicole, so we’re not at all sure what’s happening here.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak