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Watch as a Desperate Lindsey Graham Pathetically Grovels for Money on Fox News

Poor Lindsey Graham. This should be his finest hour. He – as head of the judiciary committee – ensured that Republicans will have such a grossly conservative court that, in Mitch McConnell’s own words, it won’t matter what a Democratic president or Congress does, their court will block everything. He should be having a party.

Instead, poor Lindsey is on Fox News begging, pathetically begging, for money because damn it, his opponent has so damned much money it’s simply unfair – totally unfair to him. Jaime Harrison is raising record amounts for a senate seat, which gives people an idea as to how badly Graham is in trouble, and he just cannot keep up. Lindsey knows that money matters big, he was part of the machine that made it important in getting Citizens United before the court.

But watch this and relish every single moment:

Look at that beautiful crawler on Fox News. The worst possible news for us liberals who probably thought – when we heard that RBG passed, that even the GOP couldn’t do this, even THEY couldn’t be THIS hypocritical, silly us. So this should be their big moment.

Yet Lindsey isn’t feeling big. He is feeling incredibly small. As he should be because tonight he is small. He isn’t the big head of the judiciary committee that just pushed through a justice that ensures 6-3 rulings against all liberal legislation from now till forever. He might well have just ensured that he’s not even around to enjoy any of it.

See, people liked a lot of the ACA. Maybe they didn’t like the part about everyone having to buy insurance (though, remarkably, that started as a Republican idea), but they loved a lot of it. People know that Lindsey engineered its demise, Lindsey ensured it would happen, and Lindsey might damned well be about to pay for it.

Money doesn’t equal votes, but money is a bit of an election itself, and when one guy is outraising the other at about 5-1, that’s saying something right there. We wouldn’t miss you Lindsey, but we would miss you whining on Fox.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak