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Watch Trump Voter Tell Black Biden Supporter ‘I’m White and I’m Proud!’ in Despicable MSNBC Segment

Nowadays, most of the racism one runs into is a little bit subtle, like there’s some deniability to it, because even the hardcore racists would prefer to not be called hardcore racists, what with losing jobs and all. No one will ever convince us that Trump would be president had he not almost overtly told people that he was going to allow racism to be tolerable again. “Make America Great Again,” inferring there was a time long past when it was. Most Republicans knew exactly what he was talking about. He was talking about back when everyone knew their place.

Blacks were not equal and shouldn’t expect equal rights. Women wouldn’t be paid as much because they don’t have a family to support, gays just better be called “bachelors” and stay in the damned closet, you know – all that.

But every once in a while someone gets a glimpse of what’s really going on, someone will simply say it out loud. Like this morning, when a woman told Chris Jansing on MSNBC (who has to be the hardest-working reporter ever) that she was proud of her race. (White). She is a Trump supporter.


This writer is left-handed, I’m not proud of it, nor embarrassed by it. It just kinda “is.” I’m not all that tall, or that short, again, not something I think worthy of pride. Guys will talk about the size of their  … hands, as if they made a choice and worked for it early. You see where we’re going with this. Race is a social construct, kinda like “left handed.” If we lived 500 years ago and there wasn’t a lot of writing or much of anything going on, there probably wasn’t anything known as “left-handed.” It’s a social thing. Same as race.

So this little conversation about race was quite interesting on this woman’s views about black people being killed by the police “A lot of them weren’t following orders …” (some were, no one’s having marches about the ones firing at cops), but some are just afraid of being in police custody because very bad things can happen to a guy after he’s arrested, too.

Anyway, check this out. She is “proud of her race.”

h/t: Mediaite [1]


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak