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Biden Campaign Fears Trump Supporters Will Crash His Inauguration Sparking MAGA Rally Mayhem

President-elect Joe Biden’s team is already dealing with a stubborn man/baby who refuses [1] to acknowledge he’s lost the election, but now they also have another headache to worry about: that man/baby’s supporters who may turn up the crazy during his inauguration.

Throw the ongoing pandemic into this mix, and you have the potential for real trouble because we will undoubtedly be dealing with the pandemic and outgoing President Donald Trump’s pig-headed refusal all the way up to the inauguration on January 20, 2021, notes The Daily Beast. [2]

Inauguration officials are saying public safety is their biggest concern. The Biden campaign has typically downscaled or held virtual events to ensure supporters aren’t at risk for COVID-19 infection. It’s thought this will also be the foremost mindset for his inauguration.

“Inaugurals always require intricate planning. This one will be really a delicate dance to have that element of accessibility without risk,” Steve Kerrigan, who served as the CEO of the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) told The Daily Beast. “I cannot see a President-elect Biden, like Trump, putting narcissism or ego ahead of the safety of the people.”

But planners face the dual questions of how to keep attendees away, to keep them safe — and what do you do if the revelers don’t show up but a mass of Trump supporters do?

And that’s exactly what one official involved with the inauguration wanted to know.

“What do you do if our people don’t show up and his do?” the official asked. “They probably will and the last thing you want is a MAGA rally on the Mall when Joe Biden is sworn in as president…. I think [Trump] would want to make it as much of a sh*tshow as possible.”

Well, Trump’s entire presidency has been a sh*tshow, so it’s understandable that some folks are concerned about this.

Even without something like this potentially happening, Planning an inauguration is challenging. It almost always involves huge crowds, including prominent political dignitaries, requires a massive budget and careful organizing, and more than a few stakeholders are involved.

Generally, the whole thing goes down like this: Congress deals with the traditional side of the inauguration. That takes place on the west side of the Capitol building, the luncheon afterward, and handles the president’s departure via helicopter. The PIC takes care of the customary church attendance, the White House tea between the presidents which usually takes place prior to the inauguration, the parade leading back to the White House, and the balls that take place afterward.

Roughly 200,000 -250,000 tickets for seating in front of and around the Capitol building are handed out by Congress. It’s estimated a whopping 800,000 people attended the parade while the 13 planned balls were attended by 40,000 people. Vox [3] notes that former President Barack Obama’s inauguration drew 1.8 million people, said by officials to be the largest gathering ever at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Trump’s inauguration drew a significantly smaller number of people, with Keith Still, a professor of Crowd Science at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK concluding crowd size was roughly one-third the size of Obama’s.

Vox estimated that if Still is right, that means about 600,000 – 800,000 attended Trump’s inauguration ceremony. Apparently, it was a rather strange event, because it reportedly led former President George W. Bush to say “Well, that was some weird shit.”

The Biden team is quite aware “weird shit” may go on and has already told some of its well-heeled donors, who, along with their corporate sponsors typically fund the inauguration that the situation regarding this is fluid right now and that the safety of the public must be put ahead of the need for tradition.

“There are a lot of conversations going on about that, and there certainly will be an inauguration in some form — we’re just trying to think of how best to do that in the context of COVID,” said Cathy Russell, who’s a member of the advisory council for the Biden-Harris transition team and Jill Biden’s former chief-of-staff, in a call to donors Tuesday evening. “

One can pretty much assume at least some Trump supporters, who are sore losers like their outgoing idol, will show up and make a scene. Hopefully, there will be enough security on hand to keep the situation under control if some of these people act unhinged. But the simple solution here is to ensure the inaugural is mostly a virtual event.

Steal Trump’s thunder. After four years, we’ve heard far too much of it already.