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Columnist Says You Should Feel Bad Melania Wasn’t a Good First Lady Because She Was ‘Misunderstood’

Melania is just misunderstood, that’s all. And her style is impeccable, plus she’s a great First Lady. That’s the summary of the New York Post [1] article on Melania Trump, who we cannot remember once laughing or even really smiling in four years, as she is on her way out the door.

The first thing to understand here is this is the New York Post, not the New York Times, or any of the other half dozen daily New York papers. The Post supported the Trump administration through literally everything and thus there is no reason to expect that they would not do a puff piece on Melania’s way out. We have often said that the media grades Melania on the “Melania curve,” but we don’t mean this media. The Post has no curve, Melania’s curves are the best, she’s misunderstood, and underused … as a political tool.

According to the Post:

It is a measure of the vacuum of the past four years that, despite her impeccable fashion sense, she never appeared on a magazine cover, unlike her predecessors. None of this is an accident, according to administration loyalists who are speaking out now to protect the first lady, who they say has been too trusting of her immediate staff.

Nor is it a product of Melania’s reluctance to help her husband or serve the American people.

Well, there are a couple of things going on here we’d like to bring up. First, as to magazine covers, truly it’s amazing that anyone gives a fck, but apparently the Post, and surely Melania, do. But whatever. Second, while looks and style certainly play a role in magazine covers, so does personality. People like looking at women with personality, maybe relatable, and not so much people who think their fashion sense is their highest calling.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the fashion magazines couldn’t imagine a picture with Melania smiling or looking warm-hearted, and that might matter. some? Or they just can’t stand her.

Reluctance to serve the American people? She told us directly that she doesn’t care and asked if we did either! It was written on the damned coat! Moreover, anyone caring about serving the people wears some jeans and a button-down shirt sometimes rocking some Chuck Taylors so as to LOOK like the American people. The American people don’t show up everywhere wearing $15,000 worth of clothes.

Service? Whatever. We could spend all day on that one.

No, the picture that emerges from conversations with insiders who have worked for the White House over the past four years is that the first lady was ill-served by the staffer she trusted most, Stephanie Grisham.

What a cheap shot! Blame a staffer. Nice. That’s a new one.

It’s not like we think Stephanie Grisham is competent, either. But she does know, right, that she could replace anyone who was “ill-serving” her? Besides, staffers are just that and the person at the top makes the decisions. Though in this particular case, we could imagine a situation where that actually isn’t true. Melania has acted like a spoiled brat the entire time and maybe she really didn’t feel like the adult in charge. Maybe it was more like the one with a daddy that made decisions and so did the people around her.

We have no idea. We just know that dumping this all on a staffer is a cheap shot, juvenile, unoriginal, and totally expected NY Post summation of the troubles.

There is a lot more in the article but we’re way beyond fair use and way beyond fair care in this matter, so we’ll leave it right there. Melania wore five-inch stilettos while planting a tree, but never really bonded with the American people. What a mystery as to why?


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak