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Georgia Governor Tells Trump to Go Pound Sand — Refuses to Break the Law to Do Trump’s Bidding

As we just reported elsewhere, in the post-Trump period, it is going to be critical for those of us on the left to not put everyone with an “R” next to their name in the same Trump pack. Consider how different this period could have been without some responsible Republican governors, legislators, and judges, telling Trump to just get bent. The Constitution and the laws don’t run themselves any more than any other piece of paper if people will not make hard decisions to follow them and believe that’s their highest calling.

So the post-Trump period will work considerably better if we do not demonize every Republican and put them all in the same basket. They’re Americans dedicated to America. We vehemently disagree with on policy, while also respecting them as people with dignity.

Georgia governor Brian Kemp sealed everything up for Trump with a big finger at those mean-girl tweets Trump likes to send. According to Rawstory [1]:

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports [2] that Kemp’s office responded to Trump on Monday and told him that the governor would not break the law to help him overturn the already-certified Georgia election results.

The Georgians were a little sensitive about being told to break their own laws and didn’t feel compelled to commit a crime for Trump. In the words of the invaluable Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger:

“Georgia law prohibits the governor from interfering in elections,” said Kemp spokesman Cody Hall. “The Secretary of State, who is an elected constitutional officer, has oversight over elections that cannot be overridden by executive order.”

Take that twitter-twit.

“As the governor has said repeatedly, he will continue to follow the law and encourage the Secretary of State to take reasonable steps — including a sample audit of signatures — to restore trust and address serious issues that have been raised,”

These guys are southern Republicans putting their jobs on the line – perhaps signing their own loss-warrant, yet they want nothing to do with this and know the ramifications. The Georgians, the Michiganders, the Pennsylvanian federal judges, these are conservatives or Republicans holding that piece of paper up beyond themselves.

We need to give them some respect. Imagine if they took Trump’s word as gospel and followed along. It would be chaos and perhaps the end of democracy.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak