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Gov. Ron DeSantis Calls Public Health Scientists ‘Flat Earthers’ Because They Want to Keep People Safe

Our country is absolutely bizarre right now. Even just watching college football or basketball on a Saturday, you sit there and watch a game in Florida and the stadiums seem half-full, maybe one-third full, with attempts at social distancing among families, because that’s how Florida rocks. Meanwhile, you watch one later in the day from the University of Washington and the stadium’s empty with very few people on the sidelines.

WTF? We were under the impression that the United States was one country and that we had a national health system that provided us the world’s foremost experts to put forth rules that were the most scientifically-sound one could fined on Earth and apply to the United States.


We’re left with a president that is absent and says the states need to saddle-up butter-cup and get going getting dead until the vaccine arrives early next year. So Florida man Governor Ron DeSantis decides today that Florida’s extremely competent public health scientists, who make recommendations like “close the schools because a big damned wave is coming in ten days” are the new “flat earthers” whereas Ron DeSantis is the one with the scientific knowledge because he can quote from a paper he likely doesn’t understand.

We don’t doubt that DeSantis is quoting real studies about schools being low risk for transmission, but he almost surely means younger children, not teens through puberty who pass it along just like adults.

We know this because we listen to the scientists who are not flat earthers and have surely read the same paper as DeSantis and about 25 others while making their evaluation. Their evaluation is to error on the side of safety. If very few Floridians get the disease or die, DeSantis will say, “See! I told you there was no risk.” But the success would be in large part due to the people who get no credit when there is no news.

Here is our Florida man, doing what Florida Men do, act like morons:

People were really impressed with DeSantis’ scientific acumen!

See, that is the thing. The scientists are looking both at new data coming in and projecting behavior due to weather and travel. They are doing their best. Are they always right? They’re human, so no. But are they in the best position to know? Yes. Do they want what is best or are they trying to destroy Florida’s kids and economy? Of course not. They went into public health to help the public and make careful balances.

DeSantis went into the Governors office to be the Florida Man Governor and do things his way, always.

“Flat Earthers,” f- DeSantis.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak