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Ivanka Humiliates Herself by Bragging About the Stock Market and Immediately Gets Dragged on Social Media

Wow, what to even say!

We have already trashed Trump for bragging both on Twitter and then in the world’s shortest “weird as shit” press conference in the history of mankind that the Dow hit a new record high today! Trump is president! That means he’s a great president and will win the election, somehow. People like judges and legislators will recognize his greatness and change their state’s votes … or something!

How else do you explain the Trumps’ excitement over the stock market hitting a new high the day after Michigan certified its election and the transition process began? We have one explanation, reflex! They don’t know any other way and it’s automatic, no thought at all put into it. Simply grab the phone, put the press in the briefing room, take the credit. That’s how it’s done.

It never once occurred to them that the reaction was to the fact that the challenges to Biden seem over and Biden will be the next president. The next president will be a stable adult. That never registered. It was bad enough when just Trump did it, now Ivanka piles on to show that the stupid runs deep.

Before we get to Ivanka we want to be absolutely sure that two things are clear. One, the stock market is not the economy. Food lines are longer than ever and many are out of work. Second, COVID hit a record high today, and every day, it just continues. It’s gotten to the point we only pay attention to the numbers that hit new tens of thousands, each a life, a family member, someone who was once a kid, got married, worked, a real person.

Take it away, Ivanka!

We are sort of at a loss as to why the prices are so high but we worry that rumors that Mnuchin has been using government money to buy stocks for the U.S. Government (it would be a first) to keep the market artificially high is the real reason. Perhaps there is also excitement about the vaccines and the possibility of a new stimulus. Because even with Joe Biden coming in, there’s little explanation for the market to be at all-time highs.

Anyway, this brought the trolls out in mass:


Ouch! That one really hurt.

Anyway, these people are oblivious.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak