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Justice Amy ‘Covid’ Barrett Rules to Allow Churches to Be Superspreader Events and People are LIVID

We have repeatedly said that an American’s usual “freedoms” can be taken real quickly in an emergency. It is a concept that all too many simply do not understand. Sit in your house while a wildfire comes down the hill right at you. You will literally be picked up and dragged out of your home. Or at least you will be not able to “access” your home from the highway – isn’t that violating your freedom? Try sitting in your home with your three children on the beach, 12 hours before a Cat 5 hurricane is supposed to hit, or try staying home when there’s an active shooter next door and the SWAT team is there.

Your “freedoms” can be taken away very quickly as soon as you become a danger to yourself or others in an emergency. Not all emergencies operate at the same speed, but they all involve possible loss of life or put other people in danger. COVID is a national emergency even though from the very beginning Trump has passed it on to the states. So the states made rules. One NY rule included a ban on meeting in church, because sitting close to each other and singing, even with masks, is extremely dangerous.

This infuriates people who see this as a liberal “hoax” (though they admit there’s a virus, it’s just ‘not that bad'”), an attempt to control them. And nothing, absolutely nothing, infuriates these people more than keeping them out of church, by these godless PC libtard Demoncrats. They are willing to risk themselves, not understanding that by risking themselves they’re risking a lot of other lives, too.

So, last night, Amy Coney-Barret proved her value, taking away RBG’s vote, so that people can kill each other – and innocent people in the grocery store, because she’s not missing church:

This This this, above.

It also came with a pandemic that caused a depression that lasted 300 years. Economics is a science and we’ve likely developed ways out of such serious matters, but we’re not immune to bad ones that last years.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak