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Melania Sends Her Final Thanksgiving Tweet as FLOTUS and It’s Clear She’s Learned NOTHING

It is entirely expected and entirely routine for the First Lady to send out a message (now in the form of tweets) on Thanksgiving. Some might have written their own, some might have had staff write them, this one certainly had her staff write it (in our opinion), just some form thoughts. So it is a bit of a cheap shot for just going after Melania for wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving and talking about family and friends. So we’re not going to do that.

We will point out that she might have included something about “we are thinking of our friends grieving the loss of a loved one this year due to the COVID epidemic” or something to recognize that we are very close to having 2,000 people die a day now and there is no question this country will have lost over 300,000 people in one year by January 1st (and we won’t have had a full year of COVID until mid-February when it really started to hit), this is a jaw-dropping figure if you’d have heard it in February. She should have alluded to that reality. But even that is not the most offensive part.

She sent out well-wishes to our service members, first responders, and law enforcement. Well, so do we. Notice she didn’t include nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, or the teams that clean rooms (and are just as exposed, no one thinks of them)? That would specifically allude to COVID and you don’t say COVID in this administration, even now.

But the part that really gets under one’s skin is “law enforcement.” She is surely referring to the storm-troopers that control the streets that beat people’s asses if they get out of hand in protest. Sure, we thank a few of them, too. But not all. And what we really want to point out is that the United States federal government is stuffed to the gills with “law-enforcement.” They are called FBI Special Agents, non-political prosecutors, analysts, CIA agents, specialists, analysts, “spies,” for lack of a better term, it includes NSA analysts and specialists, a whole web of people who help keep us safe from threats and many of them are turning down $500,000 a year jobs for $140,000 or so – it’s called public service.

Her husband has – for reasons on which one can only speculate – belittled, demonized, dismantled, and disregarded those law enforcement agents from the very beginning of his administration. We said one can only speculate, we speculate because these are the people who would figure out what he might’ve been up to and these are the ones that Putin really wanted dismantled and discredited. So it is offensive to read this:

Thanks, Mel. It took the Trump administration to make that banal tweet offensive. Not all that many people picked up on it, but she got rocked in many other ways:

And finally:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak