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Michele Bachmann isn’t Taking Trump’s Loss Very Well, Screams Prayer to ‘Smash the Delusion That Joe Biden Is Our President’

Michele Bachmann retired a little too early for us to really examine the complex insanity coursing through her neural network and that is regrettable because, pound for pound, she could match Louis Gohmert or Steve King in craziness any day of the week.

Additionally, there was the benefit that she was in Congress when the gay marriage case was working its way up to the SCOTUS and it was an exciting time because she always had something to say about it. Normally that would mean nothing except she may have had the only marriage in America that actually was threatened by legalized gay marriage.

Was that too mean?

Wait until you get a chance to see Michele now. She is on her game like she never left Congress. As you might imagine, she isn’t happy that Joe Biden won the election. Unlike many, who might turn to the courts, or militarized militias, Michelle thankfully turns only to prayer – which never hurt anyone, except perhaps Michele’s reputation, especially today.

We are not talking about a normal prayer. We are talking about a prayer that damn near shut down the net, people needed to hear from her, absorb her message and comment on its … genius comedic value:

C’mon, that is impressive. That is not everyday prayer or weirdness, that’s well beyond what one would come to expect.

As you would imagine, a lot of people had some suggestions for Michele. We thought we’d start with something that wasn’t mocking prayer (because we don’t do that) but mocking her idea of prayer:


Yeah, who is to say this isn’t God’s will … besides Michele?

This is worth seeing just on its own:

Shouldn’t we be happy it’s not an AR-15?


Yes, we absolutely HAVE noticed.




Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak