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Trump Paid $3 Million Dollars for Wisconsin Recount and it Gave Biden Even More Votes

There are certain lawsuits that one generally tries to avoid with the intensity of a thousand suns and those are the cases in which you not only lose the case but you end up paying for the other person’s attorney’s fees. Thus, your client is left having paid all your bills to fight your case, loses the case, and pays the other guys’ attorneys’ fees, They’re great if one’s on the winning side but if one gets a reputation as one with talent in those results, well, it’s tough to find clients.

Trump managed to pretty much do the same thing. He kept saying that Milwaukee was wrong and Biden didn’t get as many votes and on and on, only to add votes to Biden’s pile. Not many, but enough to be elegantly symbolic. According to Mediaite [1]:

A recount requested and funded by the Trump campaign in Wisconsin has increased President-elect Joe Biden’s victory margin in the county of Milwaukee. Trump and Biden gained 125 and 257 votes to their tallies respectively in Milwaukee. Trump’s campaign paid $3 million to Wisconsin to fund the recount, which is also taking place in Dane County, where results are expected on Sunday.

Rather than challenge the vote in the entire state, which would’ve cost millions more, the Trump campaign paid for a partial recount that targeted  Milwaukee County, home of the state’s largest African-American community, and Dane County, home to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Final results from the Dane County recount are not expected until Sunday. But any changes in the net total would be minimal and not come close to changing the final outcome in the state.

Perhaps Biden ought to implore Trump to demand recounts in Detroit and Philadelphia. After all, Trump has proven a special talent for paying to lose. Indeed, it seems he’s always had that talent.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak