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Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Paula White Humiliates Herself and Entire Nation with Insane Prayer for Trump

There is no reason to have an official presidential spiritual adviser, but we have one. We aren’t sure if it’s a paid position and quite frankly, we’re not interested enough in looking it up because it’s almost beside the point. The point of being the “official White House spiritual adviser” is like the world’s greatest commercial, especially for someone for whom making money is a huge priority to her “spirit.” Indeed, one could make the argument that Paula White’s spirituality seems animated only by money and she simply uses a lot of religious words to get that money.

This is the one that wants the fcking money, remember? She wanted people to send their entire January salaries to the church, let me repeat, send their entire January salaries to the church, and if you were hurting, that proved you needed more prayer and more sacrifice anyway. So this woman is a Trump-type because doesn’t that sound like something Trump would LOVE to do: “Send me your January salary!” One almost wonders if he promoted her to White House spiritual adviser for sex or for half the money. We know what Putin would pick. Both, just with someone more attractive.

Anyway, Paula White has a very strong interest in keeping Trump in the White house. After all, we doubt she will be Joe Biden’s spiritual adviser. We doubt Joe Biden will have an official spiritual adviser, and if he has, it will be one he’s had for decades. So it’s no wonder that White was at her “Whitest” (in many ways) today improving Trump’s odds through “prayer.”

You can take some pride in believing that it looks like we voted these specific people out office, but as you do, know that more people voted for Trump this time than last time. It’s true.

We just had some 3 million more vote for Biden and (hopefully) in exactly the right places.

Here, as an update. We found this, and don’t say we never gave you guys anything:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on twitter @JasonMiciak