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Video of Crazy MAGA Woman Goes Instantly Viral: Watch Foul-Mouthed Trumper Scream About ‘Obama’s Third Term!’

There is a video made by a person, we don’t know her name because – at least on the tweet we have, she doesn’t give her name – but her name is actually irrelevant. The video seems to be from something called “Coping MAGA.” The beauty, or horror, is that she is willing to allow you inside the mind of the average MAGA head that believes FOX News is “too liberal.” The video is below obviously and we’ll get to it but there are a couple of things worth pointing out before one even watches the video.

One: Do notice the crosses as earrings. This is what Jesus meant when he talked about the Good Samaritan.

Two: She’s going to some protest or something because she’s not accepting this. We haven’t heard of one so this may be a little old.

It is clear that the MAGAs will never accept the loss, not for one second. You see, the media doesn’t get to call elections – unless Trump wins or some other important Republican wins, as Ivanka demonstrated just a week ago. This person is convinced that Donald Trump won the election somehow, it was all fraud but seems to accept that he won’t be sworn in for a second term.

Instead, do you want to know what we will get? We get an Obama third term! We aren’t sure whether she understands that the very idea sounds like heaven to so many of us and we’d have said that even before learning that Donald Trump would be the next president. We once saw a tweet with a video of Pennywise, down in the gutter, and the person asked, “What could Pennywise say that would get you to go down with him?” The very first answer was “Obama still president down here.”

Anyway, here is your MAGA and she’s got a big load to get off her chest:

You can’t say we didn’t warn you.

We use the occasional four-letter word around here, generally in a poor attempt to make things funnier. This person uses them to emphasize her disgust. She is also disgusted with us … which is fine. Except, just know, this is who we’ll be dealing with when Biden tries to unite the country.

We thank everyone who made Biden’s win possible. But these people aren’t going away any time soon.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak