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Videos of Trump Farting During White House Events Surface as #DiaperDon Trends on Twitter

Ummm, this story has exactly no impact on our country or your life, your money, nothing. These things can be a little difficult to write and keep our dignity and yet someone has to write it because … these trending things really bother Trump and when this stuff gets going they can result in some fury taken out on Twitter. We’re not saying they are truly relevant but … worth just seeing. It also fits into the embarrassment this nation endured in watching Trump for four years.

The suits that looked like were purchased off the rack and a size too big instead of the beautifully tailored suits that Obama and Bush wore when working or at an official event. The ties that were two inches longer than they’re supposed to be (Esquire says the tip of a tie should exactly touch the very top of the belt buckle). Trump attended the very formal State dinner with the Queen in an ill-fitting tuxedo – of course – which wouldn’t seem like a big deal and yet breaches of protocol show a lack of care for expectations and what others think.

Obviously the constant golfing at his own resorts was the most humiliating activity shown around the world. This was not a serious man worthy of respect.

And so now, speaking of “respect” it would seem like he could not even excuse himself briefly to … pass gas? in isolation? No one, ever, would question a president saying, “I must step out momentarily but it is not anything that will keep me from returning.” That is a president’s prerogative, always. We would never hear about it, reporters would never show it.

But this is really just … well, embarrassing [1]:

As previously reported [2], a viral photo of Trump’s protruding posterior from his Thanksgiving Day press conference has led to speculation over the president’s use of adult diapers on Twitter, spurring the hashtag to become a trending topic on the micro-blogging platform.

In February 2018, Trump and a bipartisan group of lawmakers gathered at the White House to talk about ways to prevent gun violence in communities and schools. A clip from the meeting has now resurfaced on social media, in which the president appears to be passing gas.

Trump then leans in before letting out what sounds like a fart, loud enough to be picked up by the microphone. The president’s flatulence even prompts a reaction from Feinstein,who gives him a stare before looking away as he continues talking. Watch the clip below:

Now this one seems obvious…it sounds like Trump rips one and then Sen. Dianne Feinstein gives him a look and sits back.

Alright, they’re talking about one instance? Ummm, we gotta say that there isn’t a person writing or reading this that hasn’t had a moment when something uncontrollable happened. So, maybe not indicative of disrespect. He could have easily said something while not losing momentum, “please excuse me,” and continue on and that would be what a dignified person would do in the same instance.

But it’s certainly something that would drive him crazy. And here is something we can absolutely guarantee. If a microphone picked up any one of his “enemies” passing gas like that, Trump would instantly slap a nickname on that person that would never go away. He would brand them.

So in this one small instance, we are going to say it’s worth mention, that’s all because it will trend and bother him.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak