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Watch Trump Supporters Scream at Arizona’s Republican Governor After State Certifies for Biden, ‘TRAITOR!’

We are beginning to sense a pattern, and that’s not a problem. Trump’s hardcore supporters are beginning to sense a pattern, too – that’s the problem. They are having to get used to Republican Secretaries of State and Governors say that the law is the law and they intend on following it because A) It is the right thing to do under their oath, and B) it would really suck to be prosecuted for breaking it later on.

But today Arizona certified its election under Governor Ducey and did it without much of an issue for the sole reason that there were no issues. But that was unacceptable to the Trump Cult and they actually used the word “Traitor” which sounds exactly like a cult. That sounds like “We had an agreement, we were all in this together!”

Anyway, according to Mediaite: [1]

Trump supporters lead by right-wing provocateur [2] Ali Alexander chanted “traitor!” following Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey certifying the state’s 2020 election results on Monday afternoon [3].

“I got bad news, one minute ago Arizona had certified the official canvas result for the 2020 election result,” Alexander stated, to a crowd of Trump supporters, some carrying flags.

Alexander continued by stating that Gov. Ducey made “this stupid quote,” before the crowd erupted with boos. He then erroneously misrepresented old Ducey quote from weeks ago as having been said on Monday.

“We do elections well, our system is strong,” Ducey said on Nov. 3 [4].

The Arizona election system seems awfully strong right now. They counted and re-counted, they waited until all the votes were in and certified the election four weeks afterward. That is in accord with tradition and how it is done under the law.

In other words, the system worked. And that’s precisely the problem for this type of Trump supporter.

The entire comment section was filled with angry Trumpers, answered by actual people with the evidence:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak